Dashboards & Key Performance Indicators

Manage Dashboards and Measure ROI (Return on Investment)

US Senate Testimonial

Get an overview of your CMMS data!  eWorkOrders dashboards provide you with a quick and easy way to view all of your systems.  Some dashboard widgets are presented in a graphical format making it simple to quickly see trends or maintenance items that require immediate attention.  View daily reminders of how well your facility and your team are doing.  Modify and customize multiple dashboards to meet your needs. The dashboard may be set as the default screen so that it loads when the user logs in or is added to your toolbar, giving you easy access to view the status of your systems 

Quickly determine the completion rate of work orders and preventative maintenance tasks. Easily view downtime instances from a high level. This screen is configurable by you and your settings are retained between sessions so that you always see what is important to you quickly, effectively, and efficiently.

KPI Data

Incorporate KPI (key performance indicators) data into your dashboard and get a quick graphical view of important KPI information.


  • User-configurable dashboards give you quick access to the data you need.
  • You can build dashboards for yourself or you can share them with other users.
  • Managers can easily see:
    • Which work orders each person is working on.
    • Time estimates and actual hours for work.
    • Many different KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

eWorkOrders CMMS Dashboards